4 Ways to Keep Your Brain In Shape This Summer

Summertime is here! Isn’t that the best feeling EVER?  The feeling of the last finals being over, the last papers turned in, and the glorious sound of the last bell ringing. It’s time to for beaches, fun family vacations (is that an oxymoron?), swimming pools, later curfews and a ton of lying around and sleeping in.

Studying in the summertime is no fun at all, at least not for most of us. But you can spend some time this summer doing things that are enjoyable and help to keep your brain functioning.  As we’ve mentioned before, the brain is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets, so don’t leave it in storage.

1.) Go to the Movies

Ha! See. That’s not so bad is it?  So many fabulous literary classics have come to the big screen.  Watching them now can help you when it comes time to read the book next year.  50 Great Works of Literature You Should At Least See On Film is a great resource to get you started.  Ask friends what books will be read for next year’s Language Arts curriculum and then rent the movies. Your parents will love you, the movies are almost always good, and you will have a headstart when school begins.  It’s win-win all the way around.

2.) Do Logic Puzzles.

Logic games and puzzles are a fun way to keep your brain in shape without actually hearing a  teacher’s voice in your head. Here are some reviews of Logic Games For the iPad.  Some of them are free and the rest are pretty cheap. This is a great way to spend car time on a family road trip and if your parents start nagging that, “In my day, we didn’t have fancy technology and we actually had to talk to our family in the car,” you can just reply, “I’m doing summer homework.”

3.) Test Prep—the SAT, ACT, and AP Tests Are Waiting.

If you are someone who suffers from test anxiety, the summer can provide the perfect opportunity to get a headstart on standardized test prep. There are lots of ways you can begin preparing for standardized tests. Your local bookstore will offer books designed to help you study and take practice tests so you know what to expect.  You can also hire a personalized tutor, like us!  We know exactly how to prepare students to pass standardized tests with flying colors.  Get a group of friends together and ask us about our group rates. Studying with friends can make it more fun and more affordable!

4.) Swim. Run. Skip.

Spend time outdoors.  Exercise is important for keeping your circulation going, keeping your body supplied with endorphins and “feel good hormones”, and yes, even for mental clarity.  This article on WebMD, “Train Your Brain With Exercise” explains the science in a little more depth.  Exercise can be especially helpful in regulating your moods or helping you to stay focused in class if you have ADD or ADHD. Plus, you spend about 9 months of the year cooped up indoors in school.  It’s inspiring to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and the warm nights.  Even if you just get to a park once in a while, it will help clear your mind.

We love summertime and we hope you enjoy this one.  Every once in a while, take some time out to exercise your brain and you will be that much readier for the next academic school year.  In the meantime sleep in and enjoy your well deserved break!

Get more tips on how to stay in shape for English and math over the summer on the Premier Tutors’ Study Blog!