Tag Archives: school

A Helping Hand For Your Kids!

In a world filled with fast-paced upgrades and changing lifestyles, we sometimes find ourselves stumped by how unfamiliar something might be to us. That’s when we realize we aren’t as synched with the times as we thought we were, and worse yet, your child might not be either.

There are some simple ideas and methods that have always been useful tools for progress, and yet aren’t employed as often as they should today! Parents, head back to the basics and learn or re-visit some brilliant ways of helping your children grow into independent adults and keep them on top of the various challenges and developments that life will bring!

Follow the link to read more:
9 Essential Skills Kids Should Learn via www.dailygood.org

10 Things to Do Before a Test

10 Things to do before a test

You know that old familiar feeling: your heart pounds, your breath accelerates, and forget butterflies – you’ve got bald eagles barreling around your insides! There must be a test in the near future.

There are 10 things you can do before a test to help alleviate test anxiety and absorb the information needed to achieve your target score. The ability to remain calm and centered, in the midst of testing jitters, is equally important as accessing the brilliant knowledge stored in your brain.  If you practice these “10 Things To Do Before A Test,” you’ll begin to see your test scores rise.

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The Grim State of Textbook Writing!


Ever opened a math textbook and doubted your math skills because you can’t reach the answer you’re supposed to get? Some questions may seem so convoluted that you might not even want to read the whole thing? Don’t know how to help your kids learn in the simple ways you did? Well rest assured, there’s nothing wrong with you and no, math has not gotten harder since your time!

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