Tag Archives: university

Coursera – Free Online Courses From Top Universities

We came across a cool site we thought we’d share with our learners. On Coursera you can take free online classes from 115+ top universities and educational organizations. They have partnered with schools like Stanford, Yale, Princeton, and others to offer courses in dozens of topics, from computer science to teaching and beyond. Whether you are pursuing a passion or looking to advance your career, Coursera provides open, free education for everyone.
Source: Coursera – Free Online Courses From Top Universities

Differences Between High School & College

Differences Between High School Life and College Life

For those of us who haven’t actually experienced college, it often seems like it’s just going to be a bigger and more difficult version of high school—basically the same. Those who do go to college or have been, know that the two are poles apart. There are actually very few similarities between high school and college, and you’ll have entirely different lives in both places.

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Why Does Everyone Apply To The Same 20 Universities?

Big50 - Private Tutoring

Many people choose what school they want to go to using pretty limited (and sometimes irrelevant) criteria:

1) The prestige factor — being able to namedrop Harvard every chance you get.
2) For a family legacy — going to Duke because your dad went to Duke, and his dad, and his dad, and his dad. And your kids’ll have to go too.
3) Distance — It’s close to home, OR it’s far away from home.
4) It has a program you’re especially interested in
5) It might have the extra-curricular activities you are looking for (a good crew team, a club scene, whatever).

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